QA Environment
Ongoing Programs

Developed through a collaborative process between the Partnership and a subset of state agency programs in 2021/22, Program Targets are commitments about the results that Puget Sound recovery-related programs will aim to achieve over the four-year implementation period of the 2022-2026 Action Agenda. Targets provide the Partnership and the recovery community with a transparent and measurable way to assess program needs and barriers and promote increased support for programs to help them achieve their targets.

Use the table below to explore the Targets, and see how the Partnership and programs are working together to overcome barriers and accelerate progress toward achieving the Targets, using the Program Target Task Board.


Program Name Target Description Owner Organization
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) Acres of riparian forest buffer installed on agricultural lands: Cumulative value above upper quartile of 674.8 acres WA SCC
Derelict Vessel Removal Program Number of derelict vessels removed: Remove 180 or more vessels between 2022-2025 WA DNR
Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program: Shore Friendly Collectively complete 914 initial site visits and 331 follow-up technical site visits between 2022-2026 WA DFW
Hazardous Waste and Toxics Reduction - Reducing Toxic Threats, Toxics Reduction Technical visits and special projects Between 2022 and 2025, reduce toxic chemicals or generated hazardous waste by an additional 8,000 pounds or more, and generate extra cost savings of $20,000 or more WA ECY
Partnership Nearshore Credits Program Tons of creosote debris removed from the Puget Sound as a result of the sale of conservation credits: 937.5 cumulative tons of creosote removed WA PSP
Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration Acres of habitat protection and restoration projects funded by PSAR: Cumulatively fund 6,000 acres over 2023-25 and 2025-27 biennia WA PSP
Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Program Secure the full funding needed to start the process-based restoration of 2,414 or more cumulative acres of PSNERP-identified nearshore habitat in Puget Sound by 2025 WA DFW
Shellfish Funding Effectiveness Index for all BMPs installed with Shellfish Program funding: Cumulative Effectiveness Index scores of 680, 99,512, and 2,748 for BMPs measured in acres, feet, and number, respectively WA SCC
Shorelands - Floodplains by Design Between 2022 and 2025, restore or reconnect an additional 4,554 acres of floodplain or estuary habitat, protect or improve an additional 4,141 acres of working lands, and reduce flood or climate risk for an additional 1341 homes or structures WA ECY