QA Environment
Ongoing Programs

The Partnership collaborates with partners to maintain an inventory of ongoing programs important to Puget Sound recovery. The following table lists the complete inventory, which is primarily comprised of state and federal programs. The Partnership works with program owners to update program descriptions and relevant program information (connections to Action Agenda strategies, Vital Signs, etc) on a periodic basis.

Ongoing Programs by Activity Type

Each ongoing program in the Partnership’s inventory is assigned one or more activity type. These categorizations allow us to indicate broadly how Puget Sound recovery efforts are distributed by the primary type of work that programs perform. We can see how current programs in the inventory are distributed by activity type, as follows:

  • Just under half of programs are primarily engaged in enabling conditions, which describes activities like planning, science, coordination, and technical assistance.
  • Just over a third of programs are primarily focused on ecological restoration of habitat and species.
  • The remainder of ongoing programs are mainly targeted at changing residents’ behaviors in a way that benefits recovery, including education, incentives, and compliance activities.

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