QA Environment
Functioning Habitat
Streams and Floodplains
Summer low flow in streams and rivers
Vital Sign Indicator
Percent (%)

No targets are currently set for this indicator.

Jim Shedd
Contributing Partners
Last Updated
04/04/2023 10:05:09
Indicator gage location and the percent of days between July 15th and September 15th in 2021 where the mean daily flow was below normal (i.e., below the 1948-1998 baseline 25th percentile).

The summer low flow indicator measures current conditions and long-term trends in stream flows that occur during summer months when there is less rain and temperatures are warmer. The indicator tells us how often summer flows are below normal, relative to a 50-year baseline, in unregulated streams and rivers across Puget Sound. When flows are below normal, less water is available for people and wildlife to use, less habitat is available for salmon and it can contribute to increased water temperatures and lower water quality.

Vital Sign Indicator Chart

Status of annual summer low flow at indicator streamgages. Each cell is color coded for a category of frequency of below normal flow. Categories are based on the percent of days each year between July 15th and September 15th where the mean daily flow was below normal (i.e., below the 1948-1998 baseline 25th percentile). When most days (50% or more) were below normal, the cell is shaded purple. When fewer than 50% of the days were below normal, the cell is shaded blue. Streamgages are grouped as 1) rain-sourced, 2) transitional (between rain- and snow-sourced), or 3) snow-sourced based on the center of timing date.

When water in streams and rivers goes down, it places pressure on municipal, residential, industrial, and agricultural water supplies. Keeping track of flows in the summer, the driest and warmest time of year, and the causes for change, helps resource managers and communities formulate strategies that help to minimize or mitigate declining flows where possible and respond to climate change.

Below normal summer flows also adversely affect fish and wildlife habitats. During the period of summer low flows, there are several salmon species and life histories living in Puget Sound streams and rivers. When flows are too low, it has the potential to impact habitat capacity for rearing juvenile salmon and to prevent access to, or the availability of, adult spawning areas.

Climate change impacts summer streamflows. With rising snow elevations and less snowpack, summer low flows are becoming lower and longer lasting throughout the region (see State of Salmon in Watersheds, Water Quantity Risk Factors).  

Key Vital Sign Indicator Results
  • The occurrence of below normal summer flows is increasing in unregulated streams and rivers across Puget Sound. In 2021, summer flows were below normal most of the time at three-quarters of the indicator gages (see Interpretation of Results for more details).
  • Consecutive years with below normal summer flows have increased since 1985 and especially since 2015.
  • Since 2015, most of the rain, transitional, and snow-sourced systems had below normal summer flows over 75% of the time.
  • Accelerated glacial melt may temporarily offset diminishing low flows in some rivers. Substantial glaciers are present around basin headwaters of five of the indicator gages. These systems have generally maintained stable summer streamflows, at levels similar to the 1948-1998 baseline period.
  • Daily flows below 1948-1998 baseline minimums were observed at all but one indicator gage (Huge Creek near Wauna) during the 1999-2021 study period and especially since 2015.
  • Supporting analysis shows that the timing of streamflow is changing in Puget Sound. Between 1948 and 2021, the center of timing (CT) at most indicator gages regressed to earlier occurrences over time. This means the low flow season in our region is becoming longer as larger fractions of total annual runoff occur progressively earlier in the year (see Interpretation of Results – Changes in Streamflow Timing for more details).
Monitoring Program

Streamflow Monitoring Program, Washington Department of Ecology 

Data Source

U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program - Streamgaging Network, compiled by the Streamflow Monitoring Program at the Washington Department of Ecology

Summer low flows in streams and rivers occur at the time of year characterized by warm temperatures, little rainfall, and depleted snowpacks. This coincides with the time when water demands are greatest, yet supply is lowest. The USGS Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program collects streamflow data through a network of streamgages that continuously monitor streamflow year-round and from which daily mean streamflows are computed and made available online.

The summer low flow indicator reports annually on the number of days during the summer period (July 15 through September 15) that a river’s mean daily flow falls below “normal” relative to the baseline data for that river. Normal flows are defined by conditions observed over a 50-year baseline, from 1948 to 1998. This baseline was selected:

  1. To encompass a complete Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) cycle, including a cool phase (1948-76) and warm phase (1977-98), and
  2. To represent conditions mostly before widespread global climate change. Research shows a significant global climate shift occurred in the mid- to late 1980s, with an increase in temperature as the main factor behind the shift (Reid et al. 2015).

From the baseline record, we calculate daily percentiles for each river to describe the range of flows that occurred between 1948 and 1998. We use these percentiles to interpret the status, or condition, of summer flows each year. Within the 50-year baseline period, half of the daily flow values fall in the middle range (between the 25th and 75th percentiles). This is the “normal” range of summer flow values, relative to the baseline. We interpret daily flows that are below the 25th percentile to be “below normal”, or low, relative to the baseline range for a given river.

The indicator tracks the number of days each year where the mean daily flow was below the baseline 25th percentile. We show the number of days as a percentage of the total days during the summer flow period (total of 63 days during the low flow period). This tells us how often summer flows each year were below normal.

The indicator reports on conditions at 19 streamgages throughout Puget Sound to describe the regional picture of status and trends in summer low flows. We selected gages distributed across Puget Sound with a complete record of streamflow data available from 1948 to present (some exceptions were made for gages with incomplete records if the data gap was less than 10 years) and little to no upstream regulation (no dams or significant barriers impeding the flow of water). Preference was given to gages in the USGS Hydro-Climatic Data Network which represents a subset of gages that primarily reflect climatic variations with minimal anthropogenic disturbances. The gages that met these criteria generally represent minimally disturbed, upland streams with a low percentage of impervious cover in the basin.

We also examined trends in streamflow timing through a center of timing (CT) analysis (Kormos et al. 2016). The CT is defined by the date when half of the total streamflow in a water year (12-month period beginning October 1) has passed by the gage station. CT is influenced by the timing of snowmelt runoff in areas with substantial annual snowpack as well as the contribution of rain to snow (EPA Technical Documentation: Streamflow, 2021). We grouped the 19 indicator gages into three categories based on their average CT over the baseline period:

  • Rain-sourced (CT before February 27), 6 gages
  • Transitional (CT between February 27 and April 18), 8 gages
  • Snow-sourced (CT after April 18), 5 gages

Finally, we identified five gages where summer flows are enhanced by glacier meltwater based on the presence of glaciers in the basin headwaters and qualitative descriptions of the streams and rivers. The five gages (and site code) include:

  • Puyallup River near Orting (12093500)
  • Puyallup River near Electron (12092000)
  • Nisqually River near National (12082500)
  • Thunder Creek near Newhalem (12175500)
  • NF Nooksack River below Cascade Creek near Glacier (12205000)
Critical Definitions

Summer low flow period: July 15 – September 15

Baseline period: 1948 – 1998, which encompasses a complete PDO cycle including a cool (1948-76) and warm (1977-98) phase.

Center of timing (CT): the date when half of the total streamflow in a water year (12-month period beginning October 1) has passed by the gage station.

Interpretation of Results

Figure 1 shows a chart of daily summer flows between July 15 and September 15 in 2021 (black line) relative to the 1948-1998 baseline range for each of the 19 indicator gages that met our criteria. Flows lower than the baseline 25th percentile (yellow band and below) are interpreted as “below normal”. When flows in a given year are consistently below the 25th percentile, we conclude that flows that year were regularly below the normal range. In 2021, summer flows were below normal most of the time at about three-quarters of the 19 selected gages.

Figure 1. Daily summer flows in 2021 (black line) relative to the 1948-1998 baseline range for each of the 19 indicator gages. Click the image to view a full size figure.


Figure 2 shows the status of summer flows at a given gage for each year. Systems are grouped by their Center of Timing (CT) date as rain-sourced, transitional, or snow-sourced. Systems under each of the three categories show an increasing trend in the percentage of days where flows are below normal. After 1985, these below normal flows occur more consistently across the region and occur over consecutive years, indicated by a shift from predominantly blue cells to purple cells from left to right. Beginning in 2015, we see consecutive years where nearly all systems had below normal summer flows over 75% of the time, indicated by the dark purple cells.

Summer flows are enhanced by glacier meltwater at three transitional and two snow-sourced indicator gages (denoted with an asterisk (*) in Figure 2). These systems with substantial glaciers in their basin headwaters have fewer days with below normal flows compared to the other rain, transitional, and snow-sourced rivers. The more stable flows observed in these systems is likely a temporary offset from accelerated glacial melt.

Figure 2. Percent of days between July 15th and September 15th where the mean daily flow was below normal (i.e., below the 1948-1998 baseline 25th percentile) each year, by streamgage. Click the image to view a full size figure.


Flows below the lowest flow observed over the 50-year baseline, were recorded at all but one indicator gage (Huge Creek near Wauna, Site Code 12073500) during the 1999-2021 study period (Figure 3). The streamgage at Huge Creek near Wauna represents flows at a system that is smaller than others measured for the indicator (6.5 sq mi drainage area compared to an average area of 303.4 sq mi). Huge Creek is also the only system with a significant groundwater input and was not subject to below normal summer flows in recent years as seen in other Puget Sound systems.

The count of years between 1999 and 2021 where flows were below the baseline minimum ranged from 2 years (rain-sourced Taylor Creek near Selleck, Site Code 12117000) up to 14 of 23 years (snow-sourced Sauk River near Sauk, Site Code 12189500). In 2015, summer flows at all but two of the non-glacier enhanced systems were below the baseline minimum over half the time.

Figure 3. Annual percent of days between July 15th and September 15th where the mean daily flow was below the minimum flow observed over the 1948-1998 baseline period. Click the image to view a full size figure.



Supporting Analysis - Changes in Streamflow Timing

Key Center of Timing Results

  • Trend analyses show with certainty (p<0.10) that the center of timing (CT) is occurring earlier in the year at 10 of the 13 snow-sourced and transitional gages from 1948 to 2021. The three gages not showing significant earlier timing have substantial glaciers in their headwaters.
  • Between 1986 and 2021, the average CT at the snow-sourced and transitional gages was 13 days earlier compared to the 1948-1985 period. The average CT at rain-sourced gages was roughly 2 days earlier.

Center of Timing Approach

In addition to reporting on status and trends in summer low flow, we explored changes in streamflow timing. Center of timing (CT), also known as center of mass, or center of volume, is the date in the water year (October 1 to September 30) when half of the cumulative flow occurs. The cumulative flow is the total volume of water passing a gage in an entire water year.

CT tells us how flows are distributed over a water year and correlate with the type of stream (Stewart et al. 2005). For example, a later CT indicates a higher proportion of the flows come from snowmelt; earlier CT indicates a higher proportion of the flows come from rainfall or that snowmelt is occurring earlier in the year.

We calculated the annual CT from 1948 to 2021 for all 19 indicator gages. We used the approach described in Kormos et al. (2016), to classify each streamgage based on the mean annual CT from 1948 to 1998 (the baseline period) as follows:

  • Snow-sourced systems: mean CT occurs after April 18 (after water year Julian day 200)
  • Transitional systems (between snow and rain-sourced): mean CT occurs between February 28 to April 17 (between water year Julian day 150 to 200)
  • Rain-sourced systems: mean CT occurs before February 27 (before water year Julian day 150)

We calculated CT for each of the 13 snow-sourced or transitional gages and the six rain-sourced gages. To test whether CT changed between 1948 and 2021, we conducted a trend analysis on the 13 snow-sourced or transitional gages and compared average CT across multiple time periods.

Center of Timing Results and Interpretation

Table 2 compares the average CT from 1948-1998 and 1999-2021. CT occurred on average 7 days earlier during the latter period.

Recognizing the significant global climate shift that occurred in the mid- to late-1980s, Table 3 compares the average CT from 1948-1985 and 1986-2021. For the 13 snow-sourced and transitional gages, CT occurred on average 13 days earlier over the 1986-2021 period compared to the 1948-1985 period. Changes in the CT at rain-sourced gages varied and was on average 2 days earlier during the latter period.

Trend analyses show with certainty (p<0.10) that the CT is occurring earlier in the year at 10 of the 13 snow-sourced and transitional gages from 1948 to 2021 (Table 4). Only two of the six rain-sourced systems showed a significant change in the CT date over time, with one site indicating the occurrence shifted earlier in the year and the other indicating the occurrence had shifted later in the year.

Both the trend and comparative analyses suggest that overall, CT in Puget Sound streams and rivers is regressing to earlier occurrences over time, especially in the snow-sourced and transitional systems. This means the low flow season in our region is becoming longer as larger fractions of total annual runoff are occurring progressively earlier in the year.

Recent studies indicate earlier CT dates are mostly related to warmer temperatures and reduced snowpack. (Kormos et al. 2016; Georgiadis et al. 2022). Warming winter and spring temperatures force more precipitation to fall as rain rather than snow, and further hasten earlier snowmelt (Stewart et al. 2005).

Annual cumulative flows (not shown) declined at 9 of the 13 snow-sourced or transitional gages analyzed from 1948 to 2021. However, none of the gages showed a significant trend in decreasing or increasing cumulative flows. Three of the four gages with increasing cumulative flows were from the Puyallup and Nisqually River basins with substantial glaciers at their headwaters. The fourth gage, showing a slight increase, is the North Fork Nooksack River near Glacier which also has glacial input. 

The presence of glaciers and their melting may cause different responses on streamflows than that of non-glacial basins (Stewart et al. 2005). We see this distinction quite clearly between streams with substantial glacial inputs and those without, both in the CT and summer flows analyses.

Table 1. Comparison of mean CT between 1948-1998 and 1999-2021. Sites are grouped by source classification and arranged in descending order of mean basin elevation. The parenthesized numbers indicate the water-year Julian Day. The asterisk (*) symbol highlights gages with substantial glaciers in their headwaters. Note: CT data is not available for the Greenwater R. at Greenwater gage from 1978 to 1993 (gage was active only in June through October in most of those years).
Mean Center of Timing (CT) Between Baseline and 1999-2021
Source Classification Site Name

1948-1998 (baseline)

1999-2021 Days Different from Baseline
Snow NF Nooksack R. near Glacier* May 19 (231) May 9 (221) -10
Dungeness R. near Sequim April 19 (201) April 9 (191) -10
Sauk R. near Darrington April 20 (202) April 9 (191) -11
Thunder Cr. near Newhalem* June 13 (256) June 8 (251) -5
Sauk River near Sauk April 19 (201) April 9 (191) -10
Transitional Puyallup River near Electron* April 13 (195) April 13 (195) 0
Greenwater River at Greenwater April 7 (189) April 1 (183) -6
Nisqually River near National* March 30 (181) March 29 (180) -1
Duckabush River near Brinnon March 11 (162) Feb. 24 (147) -15
Skykomish River near Gold Bar March 30 (181) March 18 (169) -12
Puyallup River near Orting* March 19 (170) March 22 (173) 3
Cedar River near Cedar Falls March 14 (165) March 11 (162) -3
Rex River near Cedar Falls Feb. 28 (151) Feb. 23 (146) -5
Rain NF Skokomish River below Staircase Rpds Feb. 26 (149) Feb. 7 (130) -19
Taylor Creek near Selleck Feb. 21 (144) Feb. 23 (146) 2
NF Stillaguamish River near Arlington Feb. 14 (137) Feb. 6 (129) -8
Deschutes River near Rainier Feb. 4 (127) Feb. 2 (125) -2
Newaukum Creek near Black Diamond Feb. 16 (139) Feb. 18 (141) 2
Huge Creek near Wauna Feb. 14 (137) Feb. 7 (130) -7


Table 2. Comparison of mean CT between 1948-1985 and 1986-2021. Sites are grouped by source classification and arranged in descending order of mean basin elevation. The parenthesized numbers indicate the water-year Julian Day. The asterisk (*) symbol highlights gages with substantial glaciers in their headwaters.
Mean Center of Timing (CT) Between 1948-1985 and 1986-2021
Source Classification Site Name


1986-2021 Days Different from 1948-1985
Snow NF Nooksack R. near Glacier* April 18 (200) April 10 (192) -8
Dungeness R. near Sequim April 24 (206) April 7 (189) -17
Sauk R. near Darrington April 27 (209) April 5 (187) -22
Thunder Cr. near Newhalem* June 15 (258) June 7 (250) -8
Sauk River near Sauk April 25 (207) April 6 (188) -19
Transitional Puyallup River near Electron* April 18 (200) April 10 (192) -8
Greenwater River at Greenwater April 10 (192) March 29 (180) -12
Nisqually River near National* April 3 (185) March 25 (176) -9
Duckabush River near Brinnon March 13 (164) Feb. 27 (150) -14
Skykomish River near Gold Bar April 4 (186) March 16 (167) -19
Puyallup River near Orting* March 21 (172) March 19 (170) -2
Cedar River near Cedar Falls March 19 (170) March 8 (159) -11
Rex River near Cedar Falls March 4 (155) Feb. 20 (143) -12
Rain NF Skokomish River below Staircase Rpds Feb. 28 (151) Feb. 12 (135) -16
Taylor Creek near Selleck Feb. 21 (144) Feb. 22 (145) 1
NF Stillaguamish River near Arlington Feb. 15 (138) Feb. 8 (131) -7
Deschutes River near Rainier Feb. 2 (125) Feb. 5 (128) 3
Newaukum Creek near Black Diamond Feb. 14 (137) Feb. 19 (142) 5
Huge Creek near Wauna Feb. 11 (134) Feb. 12 (135) 1


Table 3. Slope and significance values of CT regression analysis from 1948 to 2021. Negative regression slope values indicate CT is occurring earlier in the year over time. Bold p-values indicate a significant (p<0.10) change in CT. The asterisk (*) symbol highlights gages with substantial glaciers in their headwaters.
Center of Timing (CT) 1948-2021 Trend
Source Classification Site Name

Regression Slope

Significance (p-value)
Snow NF Nooksack R. near Glacier* -0.388 0.002
Dungeness R. near Sequim -0.436 0.008
Sauk R. near Darrington -0.466 0.006
Thunder Cr. near Newhalem* -0.156 0.009
Sauk River near Sauk -0.421 0.006
Transitional Puyallup River near Electron* -0.166 0.305
Greenwater River at Greenwater -0.294 0.077
Nisqually River near National* -0.218 0.142
Duckabush River near Brinnon -0.423 0.006
Skykomish River near Gold Bar -0.505 0.003
Puyallup River near Orting* -0.019 0.888
Cedar River near Cedar Falls -0.325 0.057
Rex River near Cedar Falls -0.530 0.042
Rain NF Skokomish River below Staircase Rpds -0.467 0.002
Taylor Creek near Selleck 0.019 0.880
NF Stillaguamish River near Arlington 0.218 0.061
Deschutes River near Rainier 0.004 0.968
Newaukum Creek near Black Diamond 0.581 0.561
Huge Creek near Wauna -0.038 0.680


Summer low flows in the Puget Sound basin respond to a variety of drivers including rainfall, snowfall, temperature, evapotranspiration, land-use conversion, forest practices, and human water use. Our analysis aims to describe the regional condition and change pattern in summer low flow but does not specifically evaluate drivers of a trend.

That said, the streamgages selected for this indicator represent primarily large, minimally disturbed streams and rivers. Since 1985, the increasing trend in consecutive years with below normal summer flows, consistent across the region, suggests climate impacts rather than development impacts on low flows. Research shows a significant global climate shift occurred in the mid- to late 1980s, with an increase in temperature as the main factor behind the shift (Reid et al. 2015). Flows at most of the indicator gages are sensitive to snowpack changes. With global warming changing when and where it snows and when snow melts, we can point to climate change as likely the most significant driver of change to summer low flows over the Puget Sound region.

For more information on distinguishing impacts on low flows, please see the Georgiadis et al. (2022) report Distinguishing Climate Change Impacts from Development Impacts on Summer Low Flows in Puget sound Streams.


Georgiadis, N., K. Bogue, C. DeGasperi. 2022. Distinguishing climate change impacts from development impacts on summer low flows in Puget Sound streams. Puget Sound Institute. University of Washington.

Kormos, P.R., C.H. Luce, S.J. Wenger, W.R. Berghuijs. 2016. Trends and sensitivities of low streamflow extremes to discharge timing and magnitude in Pacific Northwest Mountain streams. Water Resources Research, 52, 4990–5007. DOI:10.1002/2015WR018125

Reid, P.C., R.E. Hari, G. Beaugrand, D.M. Livingstone, C. Marty, D. Straile, J. Barichivich, E. Goberville, R. Adrian, Y. Aono, R. Brown, J. Foster, P. Groisman, P. Helaouet, H. Hsu, R. Kirby, J. Knight, A. Kraberg, J. Li, T. Lo, R.B. Myneni, R.P. North, J.A. Pounds, T. Sparks, R. Stubi, Y. Tian, K.H. Wiltshire, D. Xiao, Z. Zhu. 2015. Global impacts of the 1980s regime shift. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.133106  

Stewart, I.T., D.R. Cayan, M.D. Dettinger. 2005. Changes toward earlier streamflow timing across Western North America. Journal of Climate, Volume 18: Issue 8.


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Reporting Guidance
Reporting Instructions
Source Classification
Rain, Transitional, Snow